Week 16 Happy Easter

On behalf of the greenstaff we wish all our members a Safe and Happy Easter.

It is also our Easter Medley event this weekend, it goes without saying our prime focus was on course presentation this week. As with all our Major events our preparations started 6weeks ago with the greens renovations firmly in mind setting the greens to peak for this weekend, at 2.5mm and rolling true we believe we accomplished our goals.  Each week we ticked off each task until this weeks lead in was simply presentation orientated. Preparing the course for one of the clubs a major event never starts the week before, the weeks and in some cases months leading into the event are meticulously planned to set not just the greens but the course as a whole to peak in condition.  
We hope all enjoy the Easter long weekend of Golf.

 Normal course operations will be disrupted through Public Holidays and Staff shortages over the next few weeks, players will not likely notice much difference as we simply prioritise available labour time on the more important aspects of course set up and grooming for club events, some of the less important aspects will not be attended during this time, however we will endeavour to attend those tasks as soon as practical.

We arrived one morning through the week believing we had been broken into and ransacked.

Till we found the intruder.

I gather he just wanted a cuppa and something to read.
We found a new home in a close by Peppi tree, more comfy than behind the kettle.    

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