Week 14

The greens continue their strong recovery from renovations helped along with moderate temperatures suited to Bent grass growth, they are now being cut at 3mm but still slightly off pace as a result of the strong growth being experienced. We will start manipulating  excess growth under our control now that sufficient recovery has occurred for the lower heights of cut with a corresponding increase in green speed.
 This week we also renovated the back putting green, made a start on coring green surrounds along with seeding and sanding thin or patchy green surround areas. This work will continue next week to get some germination and growth before winter.
 Finally you would think the below picture was taken from the practice tee or other dedicated practice area.
Sadly it was taken from behind the 16th green!!!!
All members are reminded practice on the course proper is strictly prohibited, Dedicated practice facilities are provided for your use, there is no excuse for scenes like this on the course proper, it is simply a lack of respect for your course, fellow members and the staff, it represents a serious breach of member privileges which will be dealt with accordingly. We simply ask all members to follow some very simple etiquette and course care principles.

1) Practice is limited to practice facilities provided The practice Fairway, Chipping Green and Putting green.

2) During practice Rounds, you are entitled to hit two balls only.

3) Leave the course in the same if not better condition than you found it. i.e. repair your ball marks, rake your bunker prints and repair divots.

Unbelievably whoever was responsible for the above not only ignored all course care and etiquette rules but chose the one green that has been weaker than others over summer which has been nursed back to full health to display their lack of respect for the course and total disregard for fellow members.

All members are encouraged to report any Breach of Member Privilege to Management or Directors on Duty for the matter and persons to be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

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