The first 2 weeks of May has brought a little over 100mm rain, 67mm falling last Tuesday night, the rain was very welcome as a start in recharging water aquifers etc. and lets face it no mater how much water you irrigate with, you just can't beat the rain for results, the downside is as it fell in short bouts of heavy downpours it did cause washouts which kept us busy.

Another concern is the effect the heavy rain has had on the germinating seed on the chipper, some washout is expected to impact on results.

In the coming 2 weeks our focus will be solely on preparing the course for the upcoming Pro-Am and Capel Cup, we take great pride in maintaining a high standard of course year round but we do strive to take the course up a few notches for our major events, this requires attention to the 5% jobs which we generally do not have time to get to in the normal operation of the course with low staff numbers, examples of the % jobs I refer to are things like whipper snipping around sand bins and course fixtures, Fallen Branch pick up in Bush areas, (in play fallen limbs are always removed asap), and generally just going through the course with a higher degree of attention to detail.  More precisely these works are attended to routinely, but they are rarely attended to at the same time as they are for major events.

In other news the success of the mound in place of the bunker on 16 green approach has resulted in a much better turf coverage than initially expected in the proposed area of the 2nd of the mounds, the Course Committee have decided the 2nd of the mounds is now no longer necessary as the reasons for the construction of the mound no longer exists, i.e. to control wear and traffic measures. The removal of the bunker and construction of the mound has opened the area up for a greater trafficable area and the turf has responded accordingly. 

Now lets see if I can finally get some pics up

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