Hello and welcome to this weeks update
The ladies invitation day hit off Friday under fine skies and course conditions, which wasn't looking likely the day before with 33mm of rain effecting the course conditions and what could be done on course, a busy Thursday afternoon and Friday morning  managed to have the course ready for play, and with 1 staff on leave for the week, it was no mean feat.

Disease conditions I spoke of last post have eased slightly and you will notice subsequent improvement in the fairways, tho flair ups are to be expected. Those conditions are not only favourable for disease incidence but also are perfect for seed germination, the chipping green was re seeded last week under much better conditions for success than the 35 degree days we had late last year, we will be monitoring the progress closely as we start to see the green hue develop over the next few days.
These conditions have also contributed to the continued extended growth period we are experiencing with growth and subsequent mowing still at  very early Autumn levels, though we should start to see a slow down with cooler weather now starting to push through also bringing rain like last weeks drink.

The 17th greenside lip of the sand bunker was also raised during the week, this work was long overdue after the lip started to sink towards the bunker with constant wash outs during rain events and ball roll trickling down the slope, now rectified without undue interference to play.

I again apologise for no pictures, I am still having trouble loading onto blogger.
Till next time Keep Swinging.


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