
Hello and welcome to this weeks news.
During the week Kubota in conjunction with Bunbury Machinery held its annual Kubota Roadshow, usually I send the staff along with myself to view and test drive the equipment. This year they came to us, we were asked to provide the venue for this years event and we were more than willing to assist. The staff enjoyed testing out the latest mowers on offer, actually they were like kids on an amusement ride at your local store, I thought they were going to throw a tantrum when I told them they had to "get off".
 I believe in the fact the staff must use any equipment we purchase so they should be given the opportunity to test the equipment themselves and provide any feedback positive or otherwise, at the very least I find it gives them a sense of ownership and they are more likely to look after the equipment in the long run. A side note to concerned members at this point, no we are not purchasing equipment at this stage, Andy smiles and the staff's heads droop.

Other news from the week and we have all but finished the detail of the rough and bush area, only some boundary holes and odd spots are left to do, finally the end is nigh and I can look forward to a "stick less" week for a change. We managed to clear a few of the debris heaps, which will now be ongoing with something like 11000 cubic meters from the storm, to get rid of it will a progressive task, also we attended course preps for this weekends Auslec Cup, the course isn't to flash but with all the clean up work near complete it is reasonable condition for winter and the greens are rolling at a nice pace.
Next week we will commence removing the gardens in preparations for the practice chipping green construction, finish off the detail and may even get to some bunker base levelling.

Finally good luck to every one playing in Sunday's Auslec Cup.

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