There is a bounce in the tone, a skip to the step, for the first time in nearly 6 weeks we managed to accomplish other work besides cleaning up debris from the storm. HALLELUJAH!!!! you here me yell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE started being constructive rather than cleaning up the destruction, well it depends on how you look at it I guess, some might think we were being destructive! 

Despite only 2 of us on for half the week we made progress on a few of the original plans we had for winter.

The gardens near the site of the proposed practice chipping green and bunker were finally removed in preparations for construction to commence as soon as the donated equipment becomes available.
                                              Some destruction before the construction I guess.

Repaired the paving by the 7th tee.
Ben showing his constructive paving skills after the destruction from the felled tree.

Mounded the area to the right of the 3rd as mentioned in a previous post, it hasn't been consolidated yet still to settle.
      Construction covering destruction of the site of the 250 year old red gum felled.

The front gate has also been installed thanks to Peter for constructing the gate and Mick who installed it.
 So from this little piece of construction we hope it will limit the destruction from those useless vandals who have been driving on the course.

OK by now your sick of the construction and destruction theme, but jeez it feels good to get some construction and constructive work done.
Have a good weekend, enjoy your game because the last bit of good news I have for you is that the greens are back, pre storm pace and are running a cool 12 foot.
So as I whistle off into the sunset to the tune of destructive construction I bid you all a great weekend of golf full of constructive scores and no self destruction on the homeward holes.

Sorry about that, a theme is a theme so might as well be a constructive one just like this week

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