16th Mens Tee Irrigation Pipe

With the 12th green completed and a spare day I thought we would get another problem area (the mens 16th tee) out of the way. Expecting it to be a pretty simple job of digging a few inspection points, cutting some pipe and cleaning them to be all that was required........................................
 The 25mm pipe from this connection near the ladies 16th tee extended all the way to the Mens 16th tee, needless to say it was blocked with very hard Iron build up that could not be cleaned out.
 Then we discovered the crowning glory of the pipe work, after the 30m of this 25mm pipe it was connected to 40mm pipe on the tee and then back to 25mm pipe heading towards the 15th green, again the 25mm pipe blocked.
There went the simple 1 day job and we started trenching to replace the 25mm pipe with 40mm. Rain interrupted work and as such we will be endeavoring to finish this work before the comp tomorrow.
Whilst uncovering this masterpiece we came across a classic example of iron oxidising around a leaking pipe and in effect sealing the leak. We will be repairing it before the cal clear starts to soften the oxide and we spring a leak. Something that has been happening during irrigation season as the Cal Clear does its work.

Other work completed you may noticed as you play is the repair of the 7th sheep track ( wear area)

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