13th Pipes

The pot holes appeared on the 13th this week, yes another problem area we are fixing prior to the irrigation season. Once again inspection points were dug out the pipes cut to give us a look at what was happening down there. One section of 40mm pipe was totally blocked from a 50mm tee connection, 10m of the pipe was replaced with new 50mm pipe and the rest of the existing pipe from the fairway to the 13th cleaned by probing and water pressure.
Inspection and access points for cleaning

The offending tee connection

The pipe
 Due to the blocked pipe water was being drawn from the 12th fairway and green area through the connecting pipe, it is expected now the water will flow the way the pipework was planned in the first place i.e. to the 12th fairway and green, not away!!!!
Next week we will start work on the pipe around the 12th green cleaning out any iron build up, then it will be on to the 15th tee, 10th and 11th greens, 16th tee and finally the big one....the 11th fairway!
All areas we have worked on have been successfully tested the 15th green now can operate with its full 5 sprinklers compared to only the 3 operational sprinklers prior and the 13th and 14th walks are operating at full capacity.
Other work outside that of general course maintenance addressed through the week includes tree trimming of all ladies and men's paths around the course.
A busy week was had, a successful one as well and more to come through the rest of winter.

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