May 2024


"FINALLY the RAIN has come back  ....... to CAPEL Golf Club" !!!

 Sorry just a little misquote from Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock !

After some 7 months of unrelenting dry,  hot windy weather, placing unprecedented pressure on our Irrigation system and water source,  untold damage to the areas mature trees,  not just our immediate area but the whole Southwest, we finally received 34mm of rain over 2 days last week with an immediate pressure relief of our water source.  With the rain that fell and if the next 30 day forecast is accurate, we should not have to apply any substantial irrigation beside the odd touch up or wash in of products if required. I can’t over state the huge sigh of relief to finally see the liquid gold falling as our water use kept nudging up to a point we would have to switch off regardless of rain or not.  Certainly an unprecedented season with all kinds of weather records made and broken. On course just 7mm of rain since September, the longest and driest spell in our history.

 Onto course news and prior to the rain falling all areas were treated with a Kelp and wetting agent mix, this made sure every last drop of rain was effective with minimal runoff through hydrophobic conditions.  Fantastic timing and already the turf is smiling, with some more rain predicted as I write so am I.

 Though we already commenced event specific course preparations for the Pro Am, with it being cancelled, it afforded us the opportunity to bring forward some important works that were on hold till after the Pro Am.

There is always a compromise between the best time to attend works from an agronomy perspective, and general optimum timing and event demands. 

No finer example is that of our Trial Couch encroachment program where specific weather conditions and intervals are required for maximum product efficacy. Initially our plan was to apply the first application with enough time to overcome the bleaching that occurs prior to the Pro Am then delay the second application a little longer than optimum, all for making sure the course presented at its best for a specific event.  Once we were informed of the cancellation, we pivoted our attention from Event preparation to Best practice application and timing works.

The second application of couch encroachment products were brought forward to the optimum interval time, and as expected you will notice a second round of bleaching to areas targeted, again this will be temporary for 3 weeks.

The trial so far has proceeded as expected however it is too early to assess the effectiveness of the trial. We will continue to monitor results before full scale applications commence next spring and autumn.

 Other works brought forward include the commencement of Winter grass management in the greens, just a reminder we no longer attempt complete control for reasons we have previously explained in detail. Our objective is management of growth, seed head and limiting spread. One effect of the commencement of this program and combined with measures taken on the greens for the Pro Am preps, will be a sudden growth regulation of greens turf, not normally as drastic as in this instance but will taper off over a few weeks. The result you will experience is a sudden increase in ball roll; this will be more pronounced than normal due to the combined effects of the above.

Another task brought forward is Bunker renovations, normally these works do not commence till after the Capel Cup, end of May / June. The cancellation of the Pro Am, provided us with a 1 to 2 week window to make a start on these works where ordinarily our focus would have been on course preparation.

At this stage only bunkers due for 2024 sand replenishment or only requiring minor works such as back facing, and base leveling are being attended. This year the 2nd 4th 6th 7th 11th and 12th bunkers are due.

The 1st, 3rd, 9th, 16th and 17th right bunkers require more intensive renovations and will be timed between play demands and not attended at the same time.

 Works to these bunkers will involve removal of surrounding turf, excavation of excess sand which has accumulated through years of sand blast, normal maintenance and wind, reinstatement of original surround turf levels, base work and sand replenishing and finally re laying turf. Exact times are weather and play dependent.

The bunker itself will be GUR for the period of works and for a few days after to allow settling. The surrounding Turf will be GUR for up 6 weeks. Course will liaise with the match committee to implement the best method for relief, be it through normal closest point rule or the use of drop zones  to any area required. Match will update as required.

 On a final note,  growth is slowing with divots slower to recover on our warm season turf areas, ( tees and fairways), all players are requested to limit practice swings and avoid taking divots during practice swings, and encouraged to make an effort to chop in divots to speed up recovery. These two measures alone will assist in maintaining turf through winter.  Staff will sand tee divots weekly through this period to ensure sand does not impact turf equipment. Players are advised if using sand to repair divots to ensure they only use what is needed, spread or rub the sand over and NOT leave it heaped, which slows recovery and damages turf equipment.  

I have the utmost confidence all members will follow through with this best etiquette practice for the benefit of their course and fellow members as they always do.

 We have a busy period ahead, and a few events to prep for, The Captains Cup is being run as I write, we have the Charity day next weekend and the upcoming Capel Cup with the Ladies invitation somewhere in between, enough to keep us out of trouble and hopefully with a bit more of the wet stuff.

 Till next time

Happy Hooking !

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