May 2024
"FINALLY the RAIN has come back ....... to CAPEL Golf Club" !!! Sorry just a little misquote from Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock ! After some 7 months of unrelenting dry, hot windy weather, placing unprecedented pressure on our Irrigation system and water source, untold damage to the areas mature trees, not just our immediate area but the whole Southwest, we finally received 34mm of rain over 2 days last week with an immediate pressure relief of our water source. With the rain that fell and if the next 30 day forecast is accurate, we should not have to apply any substantial irrigation beside the odd touch up or wash in of products if required. I can’t over state the huge sigh of relief to finally see the liquid gold falling as our water use kept nudging up to a point we would have to switch off regardless of rain or not. Certainly an unprecedented season with all kinds of weather records made and broken. On course ju...