Recovery Day 1

Spring Green and front 9 fairway renovations are complete for another year.
Despite some interruptions at the mid point with light showers we managed to complete on time (just) with a successful outcome so far. 
Over the course of 3 days 
Greens were verti cut x 2 
1.5 million cores were removed from the greens
60 ton of sand applied and rubbed in 
Fairways were cut down to 5mm 
6 million cores pulled up on the front 9 fairways before being smashed and rubbed back in
With over 200 dedicated labour hours.
We also had magnificent help from regular and one off volunteers to pick up the cores.

My thanks to the volunteers (to many to name) for their valuable help without it, it would make renovations that much longer and more difficult.
sand on greens near dry enough to start rubbing in. Then it rains!!!!!

Thankyou to my wonderful staff for putting in the hard yards and long hours for another successful renovations despite the weather  

We anticipate a recovery period of 3 to 5 weeks. 

Happy hooking !  

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