Welcome to the Capel Golf Club's Course Maintenance Dept. We hope to give an insight into maintenance activities, share up to date course news and course care tips for members, guests and visitors.
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Another successful event preparation by the lads.
Well done team on your efforts, its a credit to you
I thought I would talk about this subject instead of what has been run of the mill course work updates lately, nothing like a bit of variety to keep it fresh... It is this time of year (summer if you didn't know better) the couch and saltene in the greens become more visible and start to out compete the bent grass. If you have been good students and followed the turf 101's on this blog you would know Bent is a cool season grass preferring cooler temps, Couch and Saltene both warm season grasses preferring hotter temps for optimum growth. So what happens when the two compete against each other year round ? During the cooler months, April through October the Bent grass out competes the Couch and Saltene, the Couch and Saltene are still there just not as pronounced as during the warmer months, thanks to their vigorous rhizomes even tho the bent has control of the top, the couch and saltene are waiting to pounce when warmer temps arrive due to their extensi...
Over the weekend we had a Hydraulic Oil leak under the mower when mowing greens, unfortunately as it was pre-dawn mowing with a heavy dew, the operator only detected it when the sun came up after he was halfway through. Of 13 greens mowed, 8 are effected of which 4 are cause for the most concern. Wishful thinking, I am wondering, and will find out soon enough, with the greens renovations only just completed whether the vigorous growth we have encourage to recover from Reno's and the higher cut we were mowing at will lessen the impact and we may be able to cut out most of it....Experience tells me IT IS wishful thinking. With this type of oil leak, it isn't so much the oil but the temperature of the oil that causes most of the damage, instantly killing the grass it contacts. We have applied Activated Charcoal, and a dilute detergent to deactivate and dilute the oil, there isn't much more we can do I am afraid. We have sanded the 15th to see if that helps, unfo...
My apologies for the June update coming a couple of weeks late, been a little busy....... The tail of two months The last few months I have covered water issues or the lack there of, celebrated the arrival of rain last month and now, for the first 21 days of June have been repairing water damaged caused by two extreme rain events spaced 5 days apart. By no means complaining about the drop, we needed it badly and a whole more, but if someone can arrange for it to fall steadily over a number of days rather than a couple of hours, we’d be eternally grateful !! Saturday night 1 st June, prior to the 2 nd round of the Capel Cup, 100mm fell in 2 hours, the extreme amount of rain in a very short window caused significant water damage through the course and made life interesting Sunday morning before the 2 nd round commenced, attempting to get surfaces back into a playable condition. Every single bunker had severe wa...