The Heat Is ON

Just 14 days into Summer and we are already having temperatures we do not normally experience till mid Summer at least. We have had only 3 days below 30 degrees, with the average temperature 5 degrees above average sitting at 32.1 degrees and the relentless heat shows no sign of easing in the immediate days ahead with maximums of 36 expected.
Minimum temperatures are fairing a little better just 1.9 degrees above average at 15.4 degrees and this is allowing the greens some respite.
The earlier heat and drying northerly and easterly winds have impacted on the various management programs including increased surfactant applications and irrigation but by far the biggest impact has been on the early summer season herbicide program specially on greens.
Any herbicide application carries a degree of risk but when air temperatures increase above 30 / 32 degrees that risk is increased proportionately. We have been forced to modify our program, miss some applications and re evaluate how we proceed in the immediate future. What this means for you is you may encounter saltine in the greens you believe is not being treated,  this is not the case, we are being proactive in reducing the risk to the greens through the heat period with control measures being modified accordingly. It will also mean when control measures resume the saltine will more visible than normal when under control measures.

 In other news
The 8th bunker conversion to a low mound has progressed with fill carted in, shaped and consolidated by staff.  Soil amendments, installation of irrigation and final settling will take place this week. The area will be stolonised next week with anticipated grow in to take a few months.
I decided not to turf due the area size, the area being in the rough and believing stolonizing will offer stronger establishment considering the specific factors of the area.

On a less than savory note the picture of the below divot was taken on the 12th green, this is the third such incident over the past 2 weeks. Anyone witnessing players being responsible for this are urged to report the player to staff / Committee members so disciplinary action can be taken. Sometimes damage to greens is through carelessness or just rough handling of equipment / fixtures, divots are a deliberate act either through ill temper or maliciousness and has no place on the golf course !!!

Greens are being cut at 3mm for the summer period except for major events where more intensive maintenance and lower heights will be employed.

Lastly on Behalf of the Greenstaff, I wish all our Members, Directors and visitors a Healthy, Safe and Happy Christmas and New Year. 
Hoping your wish list of New clubs, new balls, and Membership of Capel Golf Club are found under the right tree, not one like this

Happy Hooking !!

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