Back on Line Again

I introduced the blog some 7 years ago now in a slightly different format to improve communication with the  membership, since then the club commenced facebook posting, introduced monthly newsletters with the blog taking a backseat as I felt there was enough information floating around with these formats. With recent events and changes I think its time we fire this old chestnut back up again and resume blog updates. 
With a small staff and ever increasing work demands I hope to update at least monthly with shorter intervals and smaller single updates as required. 

So lets get stuck in....

Greens have recovered very well from renovations, by the end of this week (3 weeks since renovations) we will be back down to our summer heights of 3mm with full coverage. Presently on 3.7mm this week but well ahead of anticipated height movements greens will remain a little slow until full recovery but we are well down that track.
Greens remain soft so please pay extra attention to repairing ball marks and take extra care when on the greens.  The more care taken by players and staff alike during the recovery period provides for quicker and better results. Thank you

During the renovation course closure, all Greens, Green surrounds, approaches and back 9 fairways were cored. Green cores were removed with the other areas having the cores smashed and rubbed back in then finally the thatch left blown clear. Sanding of greens and selected surrounds also carried out along with various product applications

All these areas are near full recovery.

Over the next 2 weeks, Selected green surround area will be seeded and sanded, and we will commence tee renovations consisting of a mix of de-thatching and coring. 

Thankyou for your time 
Happy Hooking.

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