Autumn 2018 Greens Renovations

Not the sight you want to see the first morning of the Greens renovations !!!
                                             An idle sander with showers falling
Due to inclement weather in the morning we didn't get a start sanding greens till early afternoon, further delays on day 2 also put us back more than we had anticipated. We did utilise the time not sanding to core surrounds and path entries while we waited for clear skies so it wasn't a complete waste of time. The benefit of the 2 day course closure was more important than ever when inclement weather delays us.

Despite the slow start by the end of the 2 day closure we had cored, cleared, seeded applied amendments, sanded and brushed in all 18 greens, 2 practice greens the practice tee area, green surrounds along with path entries. We were forced to delay the small putter sanding and a few odd bits here and there as we just didn't have enough daylight. These areas will be completed this week.

It has been a very clean result and I am happy where the greens recovery is just 4 days later, I expect to be giving them their first cut early next week though this will be afternoon cuts till the sand is completely below the clip height. Reason we do this is when the sand is wet the mower picks up the sand bring it to the surface, this dulls the cutting units very quickly effecting the quality of cut, if left it tears rather than cuts the leaf causing turf injury and slower recovery not to mention premature wear on equipment.
We will be working towards recovering the greens quicker than normal and plan to have them at pre renovations heights and conditions in 3weeks.  

We will be doing our bit for the greens recovery and now it is time to do yours, Greens are soft and and most susceptible to damage in the recovery stage after renovations, the more care you take on the greens in general but specifically repairing pitch marks the better chance we have of meeting our desired outcomes within the time we wish to have them back.
A refresh on how to care for greens is here 

It was disappointing this morning to note how many ball marks were left unrepaired over the past couple of days.
Not repairing pitch marks will slow the recovery time and delay bringing the greens back to normal conditions.

Till next time Happy pug repair 

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