
Showing posts from April, 2018

Autumn 2018 Greens Renovations

Not the sight you want to see the first morning of the Greens renovations !!!                                              An idle sander with showers falling Due to inclement weather in the morning we didn't get a start sanding greens till early afternoon, further delays on day 2 also put us back more than we had anticipated. We did utilise the time not sanding to core surrounds and path entries while we waited for clear skies so it wasn't a complete waste of time. The benefit of the 2 day course closure was more important than ever when inclement weather delays us. Despite the slow start by the end of the 2 day closure we had cored, cleared, seeded applied amendments, sanded and brushed in all 18 greens, 2 practice greens the practice tee area, green surrounds al...


Continuing the theme of improvement I recently reviewed some of our maintenance programs focusing on preparation for play weekday competitions as a result of a combination of member feedback, increasing expectations and re allocating certain tasks, the review will see an increase in the amount of hours per week spent on bunker maintenance for preparation for play.Please note this is only maintenance for the preparation for play, debris removal, smoothing faces and raking, it does not include the periodical Bunker maintenance of Edging (4 to 5 weekly), leveling , sand replenishment (alternate annual) or refurbishment. Interestingly it means we now spend more time preparing a hazard for play than we do our most important surface greens. Makes you wonder where priorities should "lie".  Removal of debris is an increasing issue namely from leaf drop of nearby trees and wind.  We try not to disturb bunker faces as much as possible to allow for a firm consolidated face the b...