Irrigation Upgrade Week 1 Install

It wasn't the smooth start we were hoping for this week, first we had some Trencher machine issues to overcome and then the heavens opened on Friday dumping 40mm in 4 hours, a look at the radar showed a line of heavy rain heading straight for Capel ! 

We were planning to have the 11th hole Fairway banks and Tees completed which included trenching, pipe install, flush and sprinklers as well as backfill by Friday but despite the valiant efforts of staff and volunteers and a huge thank you to all that did, with the delays and rain we only managed to trench all the necessary banks. As a result the 11th hole remains closed this weekend. 

My thanks to Ben (2ic) for giving up his own time this weekend in an effort to help me get some piping installed and catch up on loss time ready for Monday. 

Total Eden have done very well, with mainline completed on Holes 11 12 and 13,  Micheal has been an asset very willing to assist and advise accommodating our requests. 

Some other pics from the week 


Hopefully we have a better run of it next week and thank you to all who have put their hands up to help not only with the Retic install but the couse maintenance side as well.

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