Fairways, Saltine and Merry...Xmas
The front 9
fairway renovation went well with strong
growth occurring, alleviating some compaction and more importantly allowing the gases exchange from the root-zone, this should hold them in good position for summer.
You would have noticed the yellowing saltine in the greens I have taken
advantage of the mild weather conditions being more aggressive with measures
for Saltine and Crab grass in the greens than previous years.The Saltine will stand out
more so than normal as it discolours with the herbicide effect, as a result it
may appear there is more than usual in the greens, there isn't it just seems
that way with the discolouration making it stand out more.
Unfortunately due
to the vigorous nature of the grass, control measures are more for suppression and long term control than immediate eradication. Further due to the high risks of photo-toxicity to the bent grass in
warmer weather, product applications are ceased during summer. The initial treatment at this stage are focused on weakening the Saltine growth leading into its peak growth cycle with follow up treatment prior to our Autumn Greens renovations.
We will be using the Xmas period, a time we are not manually irrigating, to spray out weeds in the roughs where we do not use the more expensive pre emergent herbicides. All areas blanket sprayed will turn a white / tan colour, the effect on the couch grass will only be temporary.
Selected Tees will also be sprayed for Saltine with similar temporary discolouration.
Finally on behalf of the staff I wish all our Members, Management and Directors and Very Merry, Joyous Xmas and Peace and Happiness in the New Year