This Weeks update and Pitch Marks

A busy week both on and off the course with preparations for the Pro Am and Capel Cup in full swing, besides the increased grooming and conditioning of the golf course we also spent some time refurbishing our cups, flag sticks and practice green cups and sticks, members will see the finished products over the coming days.

 Last weekend’s rain (close to 80mm) has all but ensured the irrigation pumps are now off for the season with only minor use required if no follow up falls occur which would be unlikely.

As we head into winter and the wetter period of the year, last weekend’s rain event is a timely reminder for the importance of pitch mark repair, after rain events like last weekend the greens can remain soft for a few days specially with less evaporation until the natural drainage can remove excess water in the profile, all players need to be extra vigilant in repairing their pitch marks.

It was disappointing to see several large gaping pitch marks on several greens along with numerous smaller ones on Monday morning when mowing greens    

 As the pictures indicate they are not very hard to miss at this size. 
Not only do unrepaired pitch marks such as these take much longer to heal if not repaired correctly, they interfere with ball roll and are entry points for disease, They also slow down the course set up and increase labour time as the greens mower operator must repair these marks prior to mowing to avoid scalping and further injury to turf.

Please repair you pitch mark and any others you may come across.

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