
Showing posts from May, 2015

This Weeks update and Pitch Marks

A busy week both on and off the course with preparations for the Pro Am and Capel Cup in full swing, besides the increased grooming and conditioning of the golf course we also spent some time refurbishing our cups, flag sticks and practice green cups and sticks, members will see the finished products over the coming days.   Last weekend’s rain (close to 80mm) has all but ensured the irrigation pumps are now off for the season with only minor use required if no follow up falls occur which would be unlikely. As we head into winter and the wetter period of the year, last weekend’s rain event is a timely reminder for the importance of pitch mark repair, after rain events like last weekend the greens can remain soft for a few days specially with less evaporation until the natural drainage can remove excess water in the profile, all players need to be extra vigilant in repairing their pitch marks. It was disappointing to see several large gaping pitch marks on seve...

Wet Conditions And New Bunker Rake Placement

As the forecast predicted the weekend is off to a great start with 20mm in the rain gauge this morning and a fair amount of small debris spread over the course by wind gusts. Greens mowing did not proceed in the middle of the early morning heavy falls and will nt be cut today and likely the weekend of the rain continues but all other course set up for any brave souls willing to venture out were completed. If you are thinking of venturing out this weekend please drive safe and take care.  Players will notice a change to the Bunker Rake placement policy on the Golf Course, the rakes will now be placed OUTSIDE the bunker on the BLUE PAINTED indicator and NOT in the bunkers.  Generally rakes will be placed in the direction of the hole. The change of rake placement policy will bring us into line with the USGA and Golf Australia guidelines / recommendations for bunker rake placement, but more importantly will remove the unfair placement of rak...

May Means ..... And Farewell to an Icon

My thanks to the staff for their efforts, doing a tremendous job during my leave keeping the course ticking over to the very high standard we have all come to expect. Thankyou.   Well May is upon us and for the course team that means major events with the Captains Cup, Pro Am, Capel Cup, the New Stoney Creek 3 ball event along with SWDLGA pennants all being played this month, this will mean our primary focus for the month will be course grooming and   maintenance preparations for these events to present the course in its finest.  The greens   are now at a height of 2.8mm which will be maintained for this month with increased cutting (double cuts) as we draw closer to these major events, the cooler weather has slowed the greens growth rates with a subsequent spike in pace with our focus on a smooth true roll. During Autumn   all warm season turf areas (Tees, Fairways and most Surrounds) were fertilised with a slow release fertiliser ...