Important Notice

Greens Renovations
As mentioned HERE the second mini greens renovations will commence Monday 8th December. The course will be closed for the day. We will be using the same process and tine size as we did for the October Renovations and expect similar outcomes with a turn around of 2 weeks to have the greens back to normal.
This second renovations is important to complete the preparations for the greens heading into summer.

Back 9 Fairway Renovations
The back 9 fairway renovations have also been organised to commence on Monday 8th December, this will allow us time to get a head start before the competition on Tuesday hits off minimising the disruption to players.

This year we will be hollow coring the Fairways instead of verti cutting. It is anticipated we will cover 3 to 4 fairways per day however as this is the first time the fairways have been hollow cored (plugs pulled to surface) I am expecting to "hit" (pun intended) a few snags, mainly tree roots, hopefully not irrigation pipes, which will slow things down. There possibly could be some mix with Competition players on Tuesday afternoon though we will do our best to avoid this. 

A few points all players should be aware of
* Plugs are being pulled to the surface
* Plugs will remain on surface till dry
* Steel drag mats will be used to break up the soil from the plugs and rubbed back into the turf canopy
* The remaining thatch (grass from plugs) will then be blown off the fairways.

The process will take a considerable time to complete, though I will try to keep ahead of the Tuesday Comp players, players should be aware they may have to contend with core deposits (plugs) on fairways and machinery in use.
Temporary Local rules may be in place by the Match Committee so please make sure you read the notice board.

As this is the first time the fairways have been renovated this way some changes to the process maybe required, it could possibly be slower than expected, I cannot guarantee smooth sailing.

Prior to the Coring we will also be scroll cutting all fairways at a lower height of cut, this will scalp some areas, all part of the renovation process.

I realise the potential for disruption to play, I am endeavouring to minimise what disruption I can, this work is vitally important for turf health to continue the improvement of the course to keep it moving forward. I am confident the change in renovation practices will have better results and long term benefits over that of one pass of a verti cutter every 3 years.

Thank you.

Hopefully we do not experience this....

Poor Guy shattered 10 tines on the first pass

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