Week 30 Winter Projects Continue

After a delayed start to our planed winter projects we have managed to complete a couple of the big time consuming tasks this week.

We installed the first stage drain line for the 11th surrounds, with a capture pit at the front of the green, we will be using a  hired trencher for the deeper work to extend the drain line away from play at a later time when we can put the trencher to a full days work in other areas as well to make full use of the available hire time.

As the front of the green is much lower than the surrounding area we need to dig the trench a lot deeper to achieve the minimum 1:100 fall required for effective draining..

The one project I was pleased to mark off was the 18 fairway irrigation lines, with the flow rate severely reduced through these pipes it was one of the more urgent projects to attend before the irrigation season. A time consuming task as we first had to locate pipes, (no mean feat with plans not entirely accurate), locate the potential problem and correct it.

6 inspection pits dug
Pipes cut for inspection and flush points

As it transpired a 120m length of 50mm pipe from the main tee junction of 100mm was all but blocked with oxidised iron (see picture) only a 8mm diameter for water flow was evident.

50mm pipe blocked

Luckily the Cal Clear Unit is doing its job with the majority of the blockage soft iron that could be removed from the pipe by probing and flushing with high pressure water fed through the pipe by hose.

Flushing the pipe using the fire fighting tank and threading a 30m hose throughthe pipe to clean and flush

Not the cleanest of jobs! 

As the water drains from the inspection pit after flushing the iron stain remains visible

Other successful completions, was unblocking a smaller section of pipe further from the tee section and an area on the 17th.

With the Ladies championships being held Monday and Wednesday over the next 2 weeks and Men's competitions on the Tuesday and Thursday it will not leave us with available time for disruptive works such as these, our winter projects will be temporarily on hold for these events and will be focusing on course preps instead.

Good luck to all the Championship players, hope the weather is fine and the golf great.

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