
Showing posts from July, 2014

Week 30 Winter Projects Continue

After a delayed start to our planed winter projects we have managed to complete a couple of the big time consuming tasks this week. We installed the first stage drain line for the 11th surrounds, with a capture pit at the front of the green, we will be using a  hired trencher for the deeper work to extend the drain line away from play at a later time when we can put the trencher to a full days work in other areas as well to make full use of the available hire time. As the front of the green is much lower than the surrounding area we need to dig the trench a lot deeper to achieve the minimum 1:100 fall required for effective draining.. The one project I was pleased to mark off was the 18 fairway irrigation lines, with the flow rate severely reduced through these pipes it was one of the more urgent projects to attend before the irrigation season. A time consuming task as we first had to locate pipes, (no mean feat with plans not entirely accurate), locate the ...

Week 29 Buckets Dont Grow on Trees

This week we managed to make a start on our winter works to do list, after losing just the one day to course clean up from the latest front and also the WA golf Junior event held on Wednesday. Remedial drainage work to the approach on 15 green and side of 14 green was completed this week, the front of 15 green has been consistently wet through winter over the years and also at times during the irrigation season, causing poor quality turf in the area. During the week we installed a mini herringbone drain pattern with 80mm slotted Ag pipe and a natural soak well to alleviate the problem. Herringbone Drain line After digging  and discovering a 2 inch layer of Blue metal dust (road base) creating an impervious layer that prevents water draining freely under the whole area, and an heavily iron oxidised (irrigation water) upper soil profile from slow drainage, I am less confident the drain line in itself will be ...

Week 28 and another.......

Another week, another front came through bringing with it another 40mm rain, wind gusts up to 80km/hr bringing down another 3 trees and plenty of small debris across the course requiring clearing.       It is the small debris that consumes the time, you could not putt through the below mess on the 11th green    and we cannot mow greens with it there either, it all must be cleared along with bunker washout repair, path washouts etc before we can turn our attention to other projects / tasks.   It can be very frustrating for the crew going through the cleanup process only for another front to come through requiring us to go through it all again, the latest accounted for a total of 70 labour hours this week dedicated to debris clearing.   Our winter works program delayed another week. With the amount and frequency of rain, green approaches are holding a great deal of moisture,   the blue lines are   in place as a remind...

week 25 /26 & 27 The Ugliness Part of Winter Arives

One task we have been doing more than we would like over the past few weeks is clearing fallen banksia trees and repairing washouts, cold fronts bringing rain and wind never ends well for the weak rooted banksias with 8 requiring removal over the past 2 weeks. The same can be said for bunker and path washouts.   That said we much prefer clearing the big stuff as we are better equipped for the job to get it cut and out of the way rather than the small debris often left after a cold front pushes through, one such example was last week which covered all greens with small debris requiring clearing before we could mow and set up for the days play, 3 hours and 4 trailer loads of debris later the greens were cleared and then on to tees, bunkers and fairways, we lose the planed works we had intended to do cleaning up the mess instead. The ugly part of winter has arrived and with it you will notice a few climate forced changes with the course. Our war...