Last time I posted I mentioned the weather changing quickly, and yes March was one of our coolest and wettest for a few years, since 1997 to be exact, Mother nature has had very different ideas since with our Warmest start to April on record, recording summer like 30 degree temps, today as I write we are finally getting wet with 7mm falling so far and hopefully a bit more on the way. I digress, before I start sounding like a channel 7 weather reporter. 

The greens have continued to improve since renovations, they would have been slightly slower the week following the Easter Medley as we rested them, applied follow up fertiliser applications and allowed them to "breath" a little after pushing them a little harder than normal for the 3 weeks after renovations in order to have them running reasonably well for the Easter Medley. Normal greens maintenance has resumed this week, double cutting and a slight H.O.C reduction will have them running at a much better pace.  

Today we are hosting the 2013 Australian Customs Golf Carnival which has also visited Bunbury, Busselton and Sanctuary this week, the course is in great condition for this event despite the rain and will be in similar condition for the weekends members events.

With the Customs event and warmer temperatures than expected keeping the manual retic going more than usual,  we were forced to change directions putting our construction plans on hold, concentrating on course conditioning along with irrigation of fwys etc. The practice chipper, and 17th bunker repair will now start next week and the 16th mound not long after.

We have removed the sandy mound on 3 as advised and have made the most of the extended warm weather and latest precipitation with a good dry fertiliser application to all warm season turf.

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