Irrigation Progress

Well after some difficulties obtaining the correct fittings and other frustrating delays out of our control, the main line break was fixed late this afternoon, (Friday) but we still cant use the system until the concrete used for 'chocking" the pipe cures, best case scenario Sunday morning, the flushing and gradually building pressure up will then commence.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is D Day for the greens, so far they are hanging on with the limited water from handwatering from tanks however they are under moisture stress and tinkering on the edge, we continue to do everything we can to avoid loss of green areas.  Saturday will see a rise in temperatures back to the mid 30's and will place added heat and moisture stress. My concern is not the immediate impact but the knock on effect this will have on the turf weakening and reducing the root depth, hence the turfs ability to tolerate other stresses that will become obvious in the next few weeks, more on that once we get the irrigation system up and running. 

Tee Boxes have held up well but the green surrounds are now drying quicker than we can water and wilting from the outside in as we try to create a barrier between this drying effect and the greens. Ropes are up on the worst effected surrounds to limit traffic

The fairways whilst having a great deal of dry patch have more healthy turf than not, they do not look great but recovery should be quick as long as we can operate the irrigation system by Sunday. The short roughs are the worst effected with bleached areas which will take longer to recover, tho they are not as critical as other areas. 

I repeat my request for cart users to be vigilant when driving and avoid if possible and obvious dry areas wilting, by driving over these areas you are crushing the cell structure causing death to the turf as can be seen in the picture.
As can be seen tyre tracks from carts have crushed the wilted plant.

We have limited equipment use on the front 9 as a protection measure, greens are being mowed alternate days, fairways, surrounds and roughs not cut this week, unfortunately the Front 9 is not anywhere near its best condition for the Junior open this weekend, we are simply trying to limit damage caused by machinery use whilst the turf is under this stress.

I will expand on any issues, likely outcomes from this period of no water access and our response once irrigation recommences, please bare with us under these very trying conditions and let your fellow members know of this blog and the reasons the front 9 is as it is. 

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