One of those weeks

I should have known it was going to be one of those weeks when my phone I use to take most of the pictures you see on the blog decided to call it a day on Monday, alas no pics this week.

Two back 9 irrigation blow outs, Fairway cutting units heating up, requiring grinding, Staff absence through being sick and then a flat battery on the tractor due to a switch being left on, a power surge shutting the front 9 irrigation computer down not once but twice and yep happy days, was glad to see Friday come and go.

This is the frustration you never see, if you think maintaining a golf course is smooth sailing, your kidding yourself, these type of weeks can and do happen, we deal with it, do the best we can and hopefully by the end of the week your average player cant see what you went through to get the course as it is, hopefully they are kidding themselves thinking it was smooth sailing, because if they are, then you know you have done your job, but more so you know you fixed the problems you were facing, and that is what this week was all about.

With all that out the way, some updates.............
The 16th mounds will be in play within 2 to 3 weeks, the stolon area just short of the green is taking strike and will remain GUR for at least 4 to 6 weeks. We will not commence the green side mound until the forward mounds are in play. A drop zone is in play and has been extended in size to address some member complaints that they were being unfairly penalised by having to drop in the previous zone.

The practice Chipping green continues to develop the green tinge, some reseeding will be necessary due to wash outs and other issues. We are still looking at a decent grass cover by 8 weeks.

Irrigation is now in full swing, as can be seen with power surges and blow outs, the manual irrigation on the back 9 will now start to eat into available time to attend other works and soon with December fast approaching and the dog days of Summer, Most of our days will be spent irrigating, mowing and covering all hours for the manual irrigation.

Tee renovations will commence after the event being held on the 5th December.

That's all for now, preparing for another week to come and whatever that may hold.

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