Storm wrap up

What a glorious day today was, blue skies sun shinning and the course open for play, the way it should be, I hope you enjoyed the day and made the most of it, unfortunately bad weather is set to return tonight / tomorrow Forecast click here no weather warning is in place at present as the next low approaches but hail and squalls are predicted with heavy rain.

This will be the last of the daily updates to let you know of progress made with the clean up, (unless crazy events dictates otherwise and wow what will I talk about now ?), with the course now open we are spending time on course set up and will be slowly returning to normal duties tho we will still be clearing debris in the short term.
Today we started the practice tee and fairway clean up, we had to stop after a hydraulic problem with the tractor and we worked on the fix for that in the afternoon, we also ran the kubota over some very messy areas prior to the ladies pennants and set up the course for them.
Some more raking was carried out by our lovely associates, they are angels, and we will start collecting their rake heaps tomorrow along with finishing the practice area.
I remind you it will still take a few weeks to get everything completed and catch up with course conditioning please bare with us till we do.

Some facts and figures you might be interested in from this once in a decade storm event and its impact on the course.
Over 54 trees were felled including the two 150plus year old red gums. ( In play areas only)
Over 134 trees with major limbs that fell. (branches equal to a medium sized or bigger tree)
Over 300 trees with moderate limb effect.
10 500 cubic meters of debris have so far been collected.
We were without power for 5 days.
850 labour hours over 7 days was spent cleaning up with an anticipated 200hrs more to do.
Approx. 60 volunteers over the 7 days working various hours.

Again I thank every one involved in this massive clean up, the course has never seen this amount of damage from a storm event and the response was fantastic to get the course open for play in the 7 days...Well done.

Some more pics of the storm damage.

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