New Greensmower

On Thursday we took delivery of our new greensmower as part of our equipment turnover program, the new mower from John Deere is similar to our existing greens mower, (which now will cut tees and the tee mower traded), but has revamped cutting heads which will save time and labour when making adjustments to the quality of cut and height of cut.

The older cutting heads required adjustments to 12 locations for height of cut and another 12 for quality of cut, a very time consuming task done regularly and was very open to user mistake by over adjustment, the new heads only require adjustment to 3 locations and all but eliminates user mistakes.
What this means for us, is less down time of machine and staff and better, more precise adjustments, what this means to you, our members is better conditions both through more accurate adjustments and more on course time for staff instead of in the shed adjusting the mower.

We are lucky to have a supportive membership and management that recognise providing decent equipment is one aspect to providing a decent golf course.

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