
On behalf of the greens staff I wish all our members a Happy and Safe Easter and good luck for the Easter Medley.
The course staff have been busy preparing the course for the event and this has been the focus over the past few weeks. Other work attended include finishing the Men's 10th "white" Tee and the Ladies 6th Tee despite problems with the turf cutter. Both Tees should be ready for play in 3 to 4 weeks. The dead Banksia beside the new ladies 13th Path was removed and thank you to Peter for cleaning up our mess.

In other news our water consumption is now at 90% though with some moderate temps and some showers this is manageable for the remainder of the allocation period ending in July. While we have had some rain we still would like some more regular falls to back up the present once per week irrigation of the fairways. We have enough water to comfortably water tees and greens as required.
Speaking of irrigation a main line blow on the front 9 kept us busy and a few minor issues with sprinklers were also attended. Members would have noticed a fair few dry patches appearing on the front 9, this was mainly due to some Valve in head sprinklers around the greens staying on which decreased the water to the fairway sprinklers causing them to not operate at full capacity. These V.I.H. sprinklers have since been cleaned and all is working fine. The fairways will recover pretty quickly and to assist this, wetting agent has been applied to all fairways and soon a light feed going into winter.
Obviously cutting water back has also effected some areas more so than others as well.

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