
Hello everyone,
It has been a long while since I updated the maintenance blog, Internet issues, Computer problems and a hectic summer period restricted me updating the blog as much as I would have liked, I apologise for not doing so. These issues still persist but I will endeavor to summarise the summer period over the coming weeks once these issues are sorted.

As it is this weekend is Greens Reno weekend, hallow coring is taking place and we have also verti cut the greens, this is to remove some extra thatch but also to "crack open" the couch and saltene runners to allow for better penetration of chemicals to suppress the encroachment of these grasses.

Rob has been busy rounding up volunteers for the clean up of cores, and I hope we get a good turn out. My advance thanks to these members, it is very much appreciated, for without your help we would not be able to clean up, top dress and and do everything in the renovation process in the course closure period of Saturday afternoon and Sunday between the four of us on staff. A big thank you again.

Well I am off to make sure we have enough shovels etc and relax a little before we get stuck into a big weekend of renovating. Once again I apologise for the delay in updating the blog and once the IT and Computer issues are resolved I will upload some pics and summarise the season.

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