Renovation Recovery Underway
I would like the thank the volunteers who turned out Sunday morning to assist with the greens renovation clean up prior to the Corer breaking down, delaying our work for up to 2 hours. Your assistance and willingness to help was appreciated. For the few who came back to continue on after the repairs were complete we are indebted to you and a huge thank you to you for without your help we would have been here that much longer. Graham Mick, Rod the two Peters and Big Red, Troy, I cant say how appreciative we are that you did so. Thanks again. 4 days since the Greens were renovated, verti - cut for thatch, hallow cored and sanded and I am happy with the recovery and where they are at present. The recovery of some greens maybe inconsistent specially in the early stages depending on the amount and type of grass weed control undertaken prior to renovations as explained in a previous post. Some greens will be slower and / or have larger areas or patches within re...