Weel 18 - 24
I knew it has been a while since I updated but it wasn’t till it was pointed out to me that I realised it has been so long, 7 weeks, just proves the old saying – Time flies when you’re having fun busy working. So what’s been keeping me away from the blog and on the job these past 7 weeks ? Firstly we welcome Sarah to the team as our new 1 st year apprentice, Sarah was by far the standout candidate for the position and we wish her well for the coming years learning the trade, please make her feel welcome and understand she is very much in the learning stage of her new position. The first 4 weeks can be overwhelming for any young new apprentice, learning the various safe work practices and procedures along with the operation of plant to a satisfactory standard, this doesn’t happen overnight, some tasks initially take a while longer to complete till the new worker gains the experience and confidence that only time and training can achieve. During the time ...