week 8
I am attempting to change the way I approach the blog updates for members after a few asked for weekly updates not just on major issues on the course as has been the trend. I cant promise anything, it is very time dependent so lets give it a go. The 16th green is making steady progress, it is now being cut at the same height as the other greens (3mm), there are still some patches to recover which we have helped along by plugging / turning in of patches, I would like to thank the members for their patients during the recovery period your understanding is appreciated. Another hot dry and windy week had the irrigation system operating at full capacity along with additional hand watering and other protective measures for greens, with temps around the mid 30's the last week and continuing for yet another I m delaying lowering the heights for increased green speed for the upcoming Capel Classic till the last possible moment, at this stage likely to be ...